
Well, I’m here.

After months and months of contemplation, I finally got this thing started in June of 2010. The internet is where it’s at — the great unifier, the great equalizer. I figured I might as well hop on the bandwagon with this neato blog.

So someday when I grow up, whenever that may be, I want to write about cars. I want to go fast. I want to see the world, see the sights, the people, the sounds, the wonderment that encapsulates us all over the globe whilst traversing it in the utmost of speed and confidence. I want to have fun. I want to talk about what I want to talk about and hope I’m good enough at it that people will listen.

After I met with the editor of a major automotive publication (now defunct) for an internship opportunity that went awry, I asked the guy why I didn’t get it. He said I had the skill; I just needed to find the voice and knock the world on its ass with it. When I later spoke to someone who worked under him at another publication, this person said he found his “in” because he was just someone who utterly loved working with the car culture.

So, I guess, this blog is meant to help me develop my voice and become the person I want to be. Whether politics, cars, or just dealings in everyday life, it’ll be my outlet — an insight for you into the pique of my fancies. It’ll help be my springboard into life as it moves forward. And, hopefully, that’ll involve, you know, going fast, having fun, lighting things on fire.

But adults don’t do those sorts of thing. And since they don’t, I wonder: Am I really supposed to grow up eventually?

Update: This blog has since moved on to focus on Los Angeles, too, since I have secured a position with an automotive publication out here. Thank you for all of your support and continued support, and please venture over to blogs.automotive.com to see more.

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